

SZ CnAuto automation equipment Co., Ltd.

Specializing in the production of automatic\precision\high speed dispenser manufacturers

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Toughened film production using automatic dispensing machine, is already a common dispensing scene, as the pace of development of the mobile phone market is very good, the annual sales volume is reached hundreds of millions more, led to the development of.

Friends who have used glue machines should know that whether they use manual glue machines or automatic glue, it is difficult to avoid the problem of glue coating. Of course, some automatic glue machines do well in cable glue filling. In fact, there are m.

Jet dispensing machine is also called non-contact dispensing machine, this machine uses dispensing machine parts before dispensing dispensing is not the same, this special glue method has more advantages than the traditional work contact dispensing, coati.

Desktop automatic dispensing machine accessories use will affect the effect of dispensing, dispensing quality is based on the use of accessories and the production process has a direct relationship, the higher the application of industry needs more diffic.

The current manufacturing industry needs to be applied to visual automatic dispensing machine to place more, mainly responsible for the packaging or dispensing docking work into visual positioning to achieve high quality automatic dispensing...

There are many differences between the spray dispenser and dispensing machine the new spray process can be used in many industries, whether it is the splicing small products with high precision and large packaging products can be accomplished through jet .

Screw dispensing valve acts as a high-precision dispensing valve developed by German manufacturers. Many manufacturers in China are also studying it. However, it is quite different from the imported screw dispensing valve in terms of precision and service.

Anaerobic dispensing valve is very different from general type of dispensing valve. It is mainly used in structure and glue. What kind of glue should be used when matching with automatic dispensing machine. This kind of dispensing valve is named after glu.

The dispensing valve is one of the important parts of automatic dispensing, dispensing valve type selection is particularly important, not to be able to choose a dispensing valve installed in the automatic dispensing machine, will not only affect the ...

Dispensing valve as an important parts of dispensing equipment, plays a role in the dispensing process, put the glue into the barrel pressure, pressure of compressed air into the barrel, the glue pressed and the cylinder connected to the feed tube, throug.