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Where is the concentration range of the domestic spray type

作者:馬交易???日期:2018-01-03 16:39???瀏覽:

With the domestic jet dispenser technology continues to improve, but also because of the domestic electronic business development towards a more sophisticated and automated direction. In jet dispensing the emergence of a large number of potential applications in industry. Such as jet dispensing machine to use the more popular in LED lighting industry and other industries of dispensing in the integrated circuit industry, or is that has been held and loved this industry hot.
With the increasing application scope and the increasing potential application industry, the sales channel of jet dispenser industry is widening. The expansion of channels also promotes the total sales volume of the industry as a whole. So if you want to buy a jet dispenser at home, you must first know where the enterprises mainly concentrate on the production jet dispenser.
Throughout the domestic development of spray dispenser industry better is Guangdong and Shenzhen and other coastal areas started earlier, and also like Shanghai, Suzhou, Zhejiang and other regions, this must be referred to as the Guangdong three jet dispensing machine in the country are relatively famous. According to the statistics from Baidu, the largest search engine in China, the word "dispensing machine" has shown that: Currently, the intensive manufacturers of domestic dispensing machines are: 1 Shenzhen, 2 Hangzhou, 3 Suzhou, 4 Shanghai, 5 Dongguan, 6 Beijing, 7 Guangzhou.
Shenzhen as the dispensing machine started earlier, the well-known jet dispensing machine brand is more, for example in the System Automation Co., Ltd. is one of them, as the domestic rubber industry well-known enterprises, the company is located in the city of Shenzhen production and dispensing machine, it has many years of experience in the production of dispensing and real cases. Is a very good automation equipment company.